The Movie Loot
The podcast where we help you snatch the biggest loot of greatest, coolest, weirdest films out there. Our host Carlo uses a set of random criteria every month to guide him to the best loot. Check it out and join the loot!
The Movie Loot
The Movie Loot 107: The April Loot (with Seth Vargas from Movie Friends Podcast)
Season 5
Episode 11
In this episode of The Movie Loot, me and fellow podcaster Seth Vargas, from Movie Friends Podcast, share our April(May) overdue loot. From Zoom calls to beaver calls, from Russia to Thailand, we got it all here. It took us a while, but here it is. Check it out!
00:00:00 - 00:01:32 -- Intro
00:01:32 - 00:11:02 -- Meet Seth!
00:11:02 - 00:47:43 -- The April Loot
00:47:43 - 00:50:57 -- Closing
00:50:57 - 00:52:23 -- Outro
Follow Seth and Movie Friends Podcast
Website: Movie Friends Podcast
Seth's Twitter: @ohsethy
Movie Friends Podcast: @moviefriendspod
Podcast Intro/Outro: Tino Mendes & Yellow Paper - The Heist