The Movie Loot
The Movie Loot
The Movie Loot 99: The Holiday Loot/2023 Retrospective
Finally! After we closed out the door on 2023, join us for an epilogue of sorts as we look back at not only the films we saw in December, but also a bit of a retrospective of how things went for The Movie Loot in 2023. From the Wild West to the Forbidden City in China, from bleak film noirs to animated Disney films, it's all in here. So take this final trip with us as we drive past 2023, and head into 2024 with great hopes for The Movie Loot. Check it out!
00:00:00 - 00:03:11 -- Intro
00:03:11 - 00:15:44 -- The Holiday Loot
00:15:44 - 00:19:00 -- A Look Back at the Loot of 2023!
00:19:00 - 00:21:40 -- What's Coming Up in 2023, Thank You's!
00:21:40 - 00:23:45 -- Closing & Outro
Die Hard clip (c) 20th Century Fox
Sabata clip (c) United Artists
Music: Tino Mendes & Yellow Paper - The Heist