The Movie Loot

The Movie Loot 93: The September Loot (with David Rosen)

October 04, 2023 Carlo Season 4 Episode 24

In this episode of The Movie Loot, me and my friend, composer and host of Piecing It Together, David Rosen get on a pirate ship to talk about Oliver Stone!!! and punctuation symbols!!! Can you believe it?!? It's all in our loot of September watches! Check it out.

00:00:00 - 00:02:30 -- Intro
00:02:30 - 00:11:22 -- Meet David!
00:11:22 - 00:40:35 -- The September Loot
00:40:35 - 00:42:20 -- Closing
00:42:20 - 00:44:57 -- Outro

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Punch-Drunk Love clip (c) Sony Pictures

Podcast Intro/Outro: Tino Mendes & Yellow Paper - The Heist